How to Use Steel Fibers in Concrete?

Since the ancient times, concrete was believed to be the most reliable construction material. It is widely used all over the world. However, over the course of time, it was revealed that concrete develops cracks. Alone concrete was weak to resist tensile forces. This proved to be a hindrance to innovative concrete structures. In the new rapidly urbanizing economies such as in India, we require structures which are long lasting and strong enough to bear the load. Indian Steel industry has progressed over the years in terms of; the volume of production, cost cutting, and quality. Steel fiber reinforced concrete is used widely in construction today. It can be defined as a composite material consisting of mixtures of cement, mortar or concrete and discontinuous yet uniformly dispersed. 

Fiber steel concrete

Fibers are a small piece of reinforcing materials possessing specific characteristic properties. Fiber steel concrete increases the load-bearing capacity, durability, and higher impact resistance for a longer time. Thereby, reducing the need for repair. Versatility has been achieved in terms of quality at par with the Indian as well as the International standards as well as in meeting the consumer needs in India and abroad. Precision Drawell Pvt. Ltd. is one such fast growing company that manufactures different grades of steel wire and wire products. These include wires that have critical usage. Precision Drawell Pvt. Ltd. has become one of the largest manufacturer of high-quality fiber steel for the reinforcement of concrete in Central India. 

Concrete reinforcing fibers

Natural calamities happening in India are many and therefore, the risk they pose to the infrastructure is too many. Imagine, a case of natural calamity happening. Fatigue and week structures tend to collapse. The damage to wealth and health thereby accumulates. Therefore, they arise a need to develop alternatives that provide greater strength to the concrete and in turn the structure. The largest application of steel fibres forconcrete is in the floor slab construction. This can save money when compared o the other reinforcing systems. At the same time, it can increase the joint spacing and in some cases, it can be used as a replacement for structural reinforcements. In water retaining structures or structures for water transporting have to be prevented from cracking. It is advised to design structural concrete as an uncracked section that results in heavy structural designs. However, this is a solution that involves high cost. Concrete reinforcing fibers are a low-cost solution for uncracked section design of concrete members. This shall enhance the ability of the structural members to carry the significant stresses. Use of fiber reinforced concrete increases the toughness to bear any type of load and also has the ability to absorb more energy.
